Collection: Mst. Shakirun Nahar Kanon

Mst. Shakirun Nahar Kanon is an accomplished artist currently pursuing a postgraduate degree in Fine Arts (Painting) at the University of Development Alternative (UODA). With a solid background in Drawing and Painting, she has also pursued education in science during HSC and SSC, showcasing her multidimensional capabilities.

Having participated in workshops like the Joler Dhara Watercolor Workshop and Material and Techniques Workshop, she has honed her skills and diversified her artistic approaches. Contributions to exhibitions such as the Annual Art Exhibition of UODA and Joler Dhara Watercolor Exhibition have allowed her to present her work to a wider audience.

In the realm of practical experience, she has made significant contributions through impactful mural paintings for the Bangladesh Army and Annada Prashad School. Her involvement in road painting, Alpona Utshob projects, book illustration for Nazrain Bangladesh, and sand sculpture at UODA highlight her versatility in artistic expressions.

Active participation in exhibitions like Jolkabbo Watercolor Group Art Exhibition and IWS underscores her commitment to sharing her art with diverse audiences. Currently dedicated to further studies and exploring various art forms, Mst. Shakirun Nahar Kanon looks forward to contributing her evolving skills to the dynamic field of fine arts.